
CDRIN Presents its New Board of Directors




21 August 2024

Press Release

Matane, Québec – August 21, 2024 – Following the recent announcement of a revamped brand identity and a redesigned website, the Centre de développement et de recherche en intelligence numérique (CDRIN) is entering a new era of governance. An updated board of directors has been formed, and Julien Bouvrais has been appointed as President, succeeding Pierre Moisan, who will remain on the board. This leadership team brings extensive experience and the energy needed to guide CDRIN in its digital intelligence initiatives.

“After seven years of exceptional commitment at the helm of CDRIN’s board, Pierre Moisan has left an indelible mark on our organization through his leadership and dedication. We are deeply grateful for his invaluable contribution to CDRIN’s growth and success. We are pleased that his influence as a board member will continue to guide our future actions.”

Mylaine Côté, Co-Director of Finance and HR

Julien Bouvrais: A Major Asset for CDRIN

We are delighted to welcome Julien Bouvrais as the President of our Board of Directors. With 25 years of experience in cutting-edge video game development, Julien brings his expertise in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and graphics rendering. As CTO at Eidos-Montreal, he played a key role in the creation and development of iconic franchises such as Deus Ex and Tomb Raider. Currently, as Vice President of R&D Tech at The Believer Company, Julien is at the forefront of integrating artificial intelligence into video games, developing innovative visions that shape the future of the industry.

His strategic vision and ability to forge partnerships between industry and academia will be instrumental in strengthening CDRIN’s leadership in digital intelligence and developing innovative projects.

“It is a privilege to join CDRIN as President. Together, with the commitment and expertise of our team, we will work to propel our organization to new heights of innovation, leveraging emerging technologies. We will create solutions that advance our sector and enhance CDRIN’s impact as a strategic partner, both locally and globally.”

Julien Bouvrais, President of the CDRIN Board of Directors

Composition of the New Board of Directors

The new Board of Directors is composed of recognized leaders in various fields, including entrepreneurship, emerging technologies, research and development, entertainment, and economic development. Each member brings key expertise that will help strengthen our ability to achieve our strategic goals and support our mission.

Board Members

  • Julien Bouvrais, President: An expert in AI and graphics rendering, Julien has over 25 years of experience in video game development (Deus Ex, Tomb Raider). He is the VP of R&D Tech at The Believer Company and brings his expertise in industry-academia partnerships to CDRIN.
  • Anne Gibeault, Vice-President: With over 20 years in video games, Anne is an expert in prototyping. She teaches at NAD and is interested in using AI to accelerate creative processes.
  • Steve Coll, Secretary-Treasurer: A business advisor for SADC de Matane, Steve is passionate about entrepreneurship and economic development. He is responsible for L’ALT Numérique Desjardins and helps create new technology businesses.
  • Hobivola A. Rabearivelo, Administrator: A research and planning officer at Laval University, Hobivola has expertise in strategy, governance, and research and innovation. He has been a board member at CDRIN since 2020.
  • Arnaud Barré, Administrator: His hybrid profile (research and entrepreneurship) allows him to understand organizational challenges and find innovative solutions in movement science.
  • Kim Berthiaume, Administrator: With over 15 years in multimedia, Kim is an expert in storytelling and game design. Co-founder of Affordance, she is dedicated to creating games that change the world.
  • Claude Côté, Administrator: Director of Innovation at CRIBIQ, Claude has over 40 years of experience in public communication, the environment, and regional economic development.
  • Nicolas Gareau, Administrator: Active for over 25 years in interactive digital production, Nicolas worked as sound designer for several projects. He now oversees college programs related to digital technologies.
  • Hélène Gasc, Administrator: Director of Studies at Cégep de Matane, Hélène has nearly 30 years of experience in education. She holds two master’s degrees and led university training at ITHQ.
  • Anne Le Bouyonnec, Administrator: Anne has over 25 years of experience in visual effects and video game production. In addition to teaching digital production management, she is a project manager at SYNTHÈSE – Pôle Image Québec.
  • Pierre Moisan, Administrator: A pioneer in the Canadian interactive entertainment industry, Pierre Moisan has held leadership roles at Megatoon, ArtMedia Studios, and Ubisoft.

“We are extremely excited about working with the new Board of Directors, which perfectly reflects our industry and features a strong presence of talented women. This team brings in-depth expertise in areas such as artificial intelligence, experimental development, economic development, and governance strategy. Their strategic vision and diverse skill sets will be essential in guiding our organization and achieving our future projects.”

Julien Coll, Co-Director of Operations

With their collective expertise, we are confident that CDRIN will continue to grow, innovate sustainably and creatively, providing concrete solutions that directly address the evolving needs of our partners and clients. CDRIN is ready to turn digital intelligence challenges into growth drivers and strengthen its role as a reference hub for R&D and innovation in its sectors of activity.

Learn more about the Board Members.


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